As a retired Navy SEAL with a master’s degree (M.Sc.) in Health and Human Performace, I take my fitness seriously. I’ve had the opportunity over the past ...
I am excited to do this Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Club Review as my favorite brain fuel is healthy extra virgin olive oil. Fats are the building blocks of ...
Meditation has been scientifically proven to reduce stress, and anxiety and improve focus. Not only does it transcend your state of mind but according to ...
Our brain is not designed to remember everything, otherwise it will become overloaded with unnecessary information. Over time we tend to forget things that ...
The Wim Hof Method Review will help you to find your inner power. The first step in learning to meditate is to learn how to breathe properly and Wim Hof ...
This Muse Meditation Headband Review is about a wearable brain-sensing headband. The device measures brain activity via 4 electroencephalographies (EEG) ...
Known mostly by the rock-climbing community, gyro grip exercises are another amazing tool for shooting. Not only will they improve your grip, but the ...
Doctors used to only prescribe medication to address anxiety, frustration, mood swings, depression, and even physical illness. But today, many are now ...
Today I’d like to give you my review of the Dynaflex V-Power Steel Gyro. It utilizes German precision engineering to create up to 17,000 rpm and 60 lbs of ...
Gone are the days when the reason to install a water purifier at your home or office was just about ensuring convenient, on-demand access to safe drinking ...
So what is DynaFlex Platinum Powerball? It’s a proven tool that will help aid in the prevention & elimination of Carpal Tunnel, arthritis, tendonitis, ...